高频核心词汇 281.painful adj.①令人疼痛的②令人痛苦(或难过)的③艰难的例:Why do people read negative Internet comments and do other things that will obviously be painful?人们为何会阅读负面的网络评论并做一些显然会令人痛苦的事?(2018年完形)记:单词pain(痛...
高频核心词汇 261.generate vt.产生,引起搭:generate electricity发电例:While fossil fuels-coal,oil,gas-still generate roughly 85 percent of the world’s energy supply, it’s clearer than ever that the future b...
高频核心词汇 241.automatic n.①自动手枪(或步枪)②自动换挡汽车adj.①自动的②无意识的,不假思索的③必然的,当然的adj.无意识的,不假思索的例:Over the past decade,many companies had perfected the art of creating automatic behaviors-among consumers....
高频核心词汇 201.contribute v.①贡献,捐献②增加,增进vi.是……的原因之一例:We have not been good at communicating the real value that housing can contribute to economic growth.(我们一直不善于传达住房对经济增长贡献的真正价。)(2014年阅读四)记:前缀...
高频核心词汇 181.reward vt.①奖励,奖赏n.奖励,回报,报酬例:There are a lot of tasks to be done; there are inadequate rewards for most of them.(有很多任务要做,但大多数任务的报酬都不够。)(2015你那阅读一)182.schedulev.安排,预定n.工作计划,日程安排例:D...
高频核心词汇 121.immigration n.①移居(入境)②移民人数例:The complaints are unlikely to stop without an overhaul of immigration rules for farm workers.如果不对农业工人的移民政策进行彻底改革,这些抱怨不太可能停止。(2019年阅读三)记:前缀im-(进入...
高频核心词汇 101.individualn.①个人②与众不同的人,有个性的人adj.①单独的,个人的②一个人的,供一人用的③独特的,与众不同的例:None of is about writing off the individual. 这并不是将个人的努力一笔勾销。(2019年阅读四)记:前缀in-(不)+词根divid(分)+形容词后缀-ual(……的)=单...